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Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played


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Offline Pokemonmaster888

Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:57:21 am »
What are your favorite Sonic games? Only list the ones you have played. If a port/remake/re-release is very close to the original or is the same game as the original, such as SA2B, and the 2011 version of Sonic CD, it is included in the same spot as the original game. For remakes that add a lot to the original games (like Sonic 1 2013 and Sonic 2 2013), you can choose to list them separately or in the same spot as the originals. Games that are different, such as Sonic 1 for Game Gear, should be listed separately. Spinoffs are included. List them from best to worst.

1. Sonic Adventure 2 (B)
2. Sonic Adventure (DX)
3. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
4. Sonic 2
5. Sonic CD (I own the 2011 PC version)
6. Sonic 1
7. Sonic Generations (PC/PS3/Xbox 360)
8. Sonic Heroes
9. Shadow the Hedgehog
10. Sonic Rush
11. Sonic Advance 2
12. Sonic Colors (Wii)
13. Sonic Generations (3DS) (I wish the game was bigger and in full 3D for the modern stages)
14. Sonic Battle (This was a cool game)
15. Sonic Unleashed (Wii)
16. Sonic 3D Blast (PC/Steam, which is the Sega Genesis version)
17. Sonic 4: Episode 2
18. Sonic 4: Episode 1
19. Sonic Rush Adventure
20. Sonic and the Secret Rings
21. Sonic Riders (I can't remember if I liked Riders better than Zero Gravity)
22. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
23. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
24. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii)
25. Sonic and the Black Knight

I plan on playing Sonic Lost World, the Game Gear Sonic games, Sonic Advance, Sonic R, and Sonic the Fighters soon. I have played Sonic Rivals, but I don't remember much about the game. I have only played the demo of Sonic '06. I'd like to get Sonic Advance 3 in the future.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 11:43:43 pm by Pokemonmaster888 »

Offline FocusSight64

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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2013, 08:33:12 am »
My personal Top 10:

1. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
2. Sonic Colors (Wii)
3. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
4. Sonic Heroes
5. Sonic CD (2011)
6. Sonic and the Black Knight
7. Sonic Generations (3DS)
8. Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
9. Sonic Generations (PS3/PC/X360)
10. Sonic the Hedgehog 2

EDIT: Changed my list. Realized I stupidly put Heroes twice.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 10:58:00 am by FocusSight64 »
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Offline InferSaime

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 09:24:56 am »
Euhm let's see.

1. Sonic Colours wii
2. Sonic Riders
3. Sonic Adventure DX
4. Sonic CD (2011 version)
5. Mario & Sonic at the olympic winter games DS
6. Sonic Unleashed (ps3 version)
7. Sonic Lost World WiiU
8. Sonic 4 Episode 1
9. Sonic Heroes
10. Sonic 4 Episode 2 (including episode metal)
11. Sonic Riders zero Gravity
12. Sonic colours DS
13. Mario & Sonic at the 2012 London olympic games wii
14. Sonic 06
15. Sonic Generations
16. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
17. Sonic Advance
18. Sonic R
19. Sonic chhronicles dark brotherhood (I don't remember much of this game tbh)
20. Sonic Rush
21. Sonic triple trouble
22. Sonic chaos
23. Sonic 2
24. Sonic 1
25. Sonic The Fighters
26. Sonic Battle
27. Mario & Sonic at the olympic games wii
28. Sonic Labyrinth (don't play this game)

That should be it. I think I hope I haven't forgot anything. Also I'm going to get Shadow the hedgehog and unleashed ps2 soon

Offline Chackoman15379

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2013, 10:27:19 am »
Sonic Generations(360)
Sonic Unleashed(360)
Sonic Heroes(PS2)
Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed(360)
Sonic 06(360)

Offline RigidatoMS

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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2013, 11:41:04 am »
Mine is too confuse:
1.SA2(all versions)
2.SADX/Heroes/Riders Zero Gravity
3.Sonic 4 Ep.1/Sonic Advance 3/Sonic CD(both versions)
4.Sonic Riders
5.Sonic 1 2013
And the worst for me:
6.Sonic 1,2,3(original versions)/Sonic 4 Ep.2
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Offline SqwareEcks

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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2013, 01:12:06 pm »
1. Sonic Adventure 2
2. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
3. Sonic Heroes
4. Sonic 2
5. Sonic 1
6. Shadow the Hedgehog
7. Sonic Adventure DX
8. Sonic 3D Blast
9. Sonic Triple Trouble
10. Sonic Chaos
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Offline theultimategamer95

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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2013, 03:36:39 pm »
My top 5 (5 being worst, 1 being best):

5. Sonic Unleashed (PS3/X360)
4. SA2B
3. Sonic Heroes
2. Sonic 06
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Offline SB737

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2013, 09:08:49 am »
I've played pretty much every sonic game, I'll just list the top 10 or so, not all of them, here they are ranked in order, best to worst, with a comment on the game :).

1. Sonic Generations (Did you really have to ask :P)
2. Sonic 1 (Can't beat the classic)
3. Sonic Colours (I'm liking this game more and more!)
4. Sonic 2 (Fun because it's easy to speed run)
5. Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Slowly but surely getting into this game)
6. SADX (Only really like Sonic story and Tails story)
7. Sonic Advance (Your persistence paid off Zeupar!)
8. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Never really got into this game, good storyline though)
9. Sonic 2 SMS (Childhood favourite, first Sonic game I ever beat)
10. Lost World 3DS (Sneaking into 10th place :), the more I play this game the more I like it, I'd like to try the Wii U version one as well though)
Current Championships: Sonic 3

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<SonicBoom737> I hate you Zeupar
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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2013, 07:50:44 pm »
1.Sonic Generations/Sonic Unleashed(did you really have to ask)
2.Sonic Colors
3.Sonic Heroes
4.Sonic Adventure
5.Sonic 3 and Knuckles (It's a great game, just hadn't played it in a while, Anti-Yami wants me to speedrun it XD)
6.Sonic Adventure 2(Of Course this will be in the Top 10)
7.Sonic Advance Series
8.Sonic Rush Series
9.Sonic 2
10.Sonic Lost World(only because the game just came out, that it's this low)
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Championship(s) Held: Sonic Generations
Current Records: Overdrift Challenge , Terror from the Deep, Death egg robot (Hard), Vector's Mission

Offline Pokemonmaster888

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2013, 04:51:56 am »
I beat Sonic CD, and it is one of my favorite Sonic games ever. I see how people say it is the best Sonic game ever. The only problem I saw was that the stages are a bit short. The stages were very fun, the Japanese soundtrack is one of the best Sonic soundtracks I've heard. A lot of the songs are catchy and fit the levels well. I think that the Super Peel Out is one of the best moves Sonic had in any game. I would put it below Sonic 2 and above Sonic 1 on my list.

Offline TimpZ

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2013, 09:53:57 am »


Offline Vixuzen

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2013, 04:04:16 pm »
1.Shadow The Hedgehog
2.Sonic Generations (PS3)
3.Sonic Unleashed (PS3)
4.Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)
5.Sonic Adventure 2
6.Sonic 3 & Knuckles
7.Sonic Advance 3
8.Sonic Heroes
9.Sonic Adventure
10.Sonic R
11.Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode II
12.Sonic The Hedgehog 2
13.Sonic Advance 2
14.Sonic Rush Adventure
15.Sonic The Hedgehog (Original Genesis/Mega Drive)
16.Sonic The Fighters
17.Sonic The Hedgehog CD
18.Sonic Rush
19.Tails' Adventures
20.Sonic Jump
21.Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (GG)
22.Sonic The Hedgehog (GG)
23.Sonic Triple Trouble
24.Sonic 3D Blast
25.Sonic Advance
26.Sonic Chaos
27.Sonic Blast
28.Tails' Skyptatrol
29.Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball (Both Mega Drive and Game Gear)
30.Sonic Pocket Adventure
31.Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean (Both Mega Drive and Game Gear)
32.Sonic Battle
33.Sonic Labyrinth
34.Sonic Drift 1 & 2

Offline chainchump

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2013, 04:34:22 pm »
1. Sonic Colors Wii
2. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
3. Sonic Heroes
4. Sonic Adventure DX
5. Sonic Generations
6. Sonic Riders
7. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
8. Sonic 3D Blast
9. Sonic Advance
10. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
11. Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1
12. Sonic and the Secret Rings

Some people may be surprised that Colors is my favourite game, considering I'm the current champion of SA2B. I don't know why, I just really like Colors XD
Also, I played literally 5 minutes of Secret Rings and I got bored almost instantly, and that was about three years ago :D

Offline RigidatoMS

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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2013, 05:47:47 pm »

Some people may be surprised that Colors is my favourite game, considering I'm the current champion of SA2B. I don't know why, I just really like Colors XD
lol I'm super surprised.
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Offline CriticalCyd

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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2013, 08:29:10 pm »
1. Sonic Heroes
2. Sonic Colours Wii
3. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
4. Sonic Adventure DX

Wow I should really play more Sonic games :P better go rob a bank or something...
Speedrunning shenanigans =^● ⋏ ●^=

Offline Corrupt Lord Entro

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2013, 11:38:49 pm »
1. Sonic & Knuckles (Loved it. Had it for PC back in the day, and it wasn't S3&K)
2. Sonic Adventure DX
3. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
4. Sonic Unleashed (Wii/PS2)
5. Sonic Heroes
6. Shadow the Hedgehog (Kappa)
7. Sonic Generations
8. Sonic Advance 3
9. Sonic 2
10. Sonic the Hedgehog (Original, not 2006.)

Offline THC98

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2013, 09:06:41 pm »
1. Sonic Adventure DX
2. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
3. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
4. Sonic Heroes
5. Sonic 1
6. Sonic Generations (PC)
7. Sonic Lost World (3DS)
8. Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
9. Sonic 2
10. Sonic Colors
11. Sonic Riders
12. Sonic 4 Episode II
13. Sonic Unleashed (Wii)
14. Sonic Generations (3DS)
15. Sonic Advance 2

And so on... I won't complete the list because I've played a lot of other Sonic games and I can't rank them :P

Offline Mastakirby

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2013, 12:19:47 pm »
My top 10

  • Sonic CD 2011
  • Sonic Adventure DX
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Sonic Unleashed (360)
  • Sonic R
  • Sonic Battle
  • Sonic Advance 2
  • Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed
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Offline Werey

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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2013, 06:27:21 am »
1) SA2
2) Generations
3) Unleashed
4) ASRT, even if that doesn't count
5) DX
6) Heroes
7) Colours
8) Lost World
9) ASR
10) Sonic 2

Yeah I'm a 3D guy.

Championships: Sonic Unleashed DLC.

Offline DawnyDaz3

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2013, 08:18:59 am »
1. Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3
2. Sonic Generations PC
3. Shadow The Hedgehog
4. Sonic Adventure 2
5. Sonic Adventure
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Offline Pokemonmaster888

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2014, 02:12:42 am »
I recently beat Sonic 4: Episode 1 and 2 and I thought both games were pretty fun. Episode 2 fixed some of the physics problems that were in episode 1 but I liked both. I thought episode 2 was better because the music, graphics, and style of graphics were better than episode 1. I still really haven't played Episode Metal yet but I will sometime. I put them in my list nearer the bottom though because both games were short since they are episodes, and I thought the regular length games were more fun and had more to do since they were regular length games. I still have to get all of the Chaos Emeralds for both games though. I am playing Sonic Generations right now and it is a really cool game. I also see that the Android/iOS versions of Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 are very cool and I hope to be able to play them fully soon. I still have to play Sonic R, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic 3D Blast, and some other Sonic games, but I am not sure how I'll play some because Sonic the Fighters and Sonic R are not widely available on a lot of platforms.

Offline Cream147

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2014, 08:36:48 am »
I can only meaningfully rank my top 5, which are.

1. Sonic the Hedgehog (1991 obviously!)
2. Sonic 2
4. SA2B
5. S3K (this would probably be higher if I didn't suck at it)

The rest I can split into like and don't like

Like: Heroes, SatSR, S1GG, S2GG, Chaos, Adv, Adv2, Adv3, Rush, RushAdv, Battle, Sonic R

Don't like: 06, Unleashed, 3D Blast, Shadow

Anything else I haven't played enough to really judge, or have just forgotten about.

Offline Pokemonmaster888

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2014, 11:33:12 am »
I just beat Sonic Generations today, and it is a really great game. All of the stages from past games were really cool, and the gameplay was tight and fun. The graphics were very good and the music from the new songs to the remixed songs was outstanding. There is a lot to do in the game and I still have a lot of missions to play and more unlockables to obtain. I have updated my list; I would rank it in 7th place, above Sonic Heroes but below Sonic 1 right now. I hope for Sonic's big 25th anniversary there is another outstanding game too!

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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2014, 11:57:43 am »
Sonic Unleashed (HD)
Shadow the Hedgehog
almost everything else I've submitted stats for
Sonic Rivals
Sonic Labyrinth

Offline Kirbymon30

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2014, 04:02:28 pm »
Bored, have a top five.

5. A big ol' tie between Sonic 2, Pocket Adventure (surprisingly good for such an obscure game), S3K (a true classic but a fucking marathon), and Sonic Advance
4. Sonic CD 2011 (AKA the first game I didn't suck at)
3. The Sonic 4 games, particularly E2 but they're all fun
2. Sonic Lost World (so addicted to this game, gets a bad rep for no real reason and the Deadly Six are the greatest new characters in over a decade. Go ahead, shoot me)
1. Sonic Generations (A really fun game even though I don't talk about it too much. I'd play it way more if I didn't suck at competing in it, but seriously, this game is PACKED with content and it's pretty much everything Unleashed and Colors did but better)

As for the other games...well, I enjoy most of the spinoffs (except Black Knight, Spinball, Labyrinth and sorta Secret Rings) though I haven't played them all. Most of the 2D sidescrollers are also really good, I even like Sonic 1 if I'm in the right mood. Colors is okay. I don't have enough experience with Unleashed to judge, but it doesn't interest me much. Haven't played Rivals or the Rush series yet and I don't think I need to.

3D Blast, SADX (except Tails story), SA2B, the majority of Heroes, Shadow and the majority of 06 can all go suck it. Tails spinoffs aren't too amazing either.
~Sonic Lost World Top 10~
Primary Goal (as of 12/1/14): Dabble into some easy things. Mostly Sonic Chaos, might go back to CD11/Lost World at a later date but most likely not. I'm not that invested in this stuff anymore :V
Secondary Goal (as of 12/1/14): Smash is love, Smash is life

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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2014, 02:31:39 am »
S2 > all > dogshit > S06

Aside from that, generally speaking, I like spinball better than most others do, both because nostalgia and pinball, and I think that SA is terrible.  otherwise I fall into the "2d 'til I die" sorta category, loving colours reworking of stages and the SAdva series.

Only game I haven't played is Dark Brotherhood, which is actually sitting in my 3ds waiting for me to beat Ni no Kuni and Eternal Sonata.
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Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2014, 12:13:12 pm »
1. Heroes
2. SA2
3. S3&K
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(ʳ ´º㉨º)ʳ

Offline Got4n

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2014, 06:05:30 am »

Offline InferSaime

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2014, 08:14:26 pm »
I'm going to update my list:

1. Sonic Riders
2. Sonic Colours Wii
3. Sonic Heroes
4. Sonic Adventure DX
5. Sonic Colours DS
6. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games DS
7. Sonic CD 2011
8. Sonic and the Black Knight
9. Sonic 4 Episode 1
10. Sonic Generations
11. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
12. Sonic 4 Episode 2 (including episode metal)
13. Mario & Sonic at the 2012 London olympic games wii
14. Sonic Unleashed PS3
15. Sonic 06
16. Sonic Lost World WiiU
17. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
18. Sonic R
19. Sonic Rush Adventure
20. Sonic Rush

Only did till 20 otherwise it would be too long and wouldn't care that much at the lower ones.

Offline Pokemonmaster888

Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2014, 12:05:10 am »
I beat Sonic 3D Blast today, and I liked the game a lot. I own Sonic 3D Blast for PC/Steam, which is the Sega Genesis version of the game. The gameplay was much different than most Sonic games, but I found it fun and not as annoying/boring as other people have said. The music was awesome, I liked all of the songs. The graphics were cool, and I didn't have a problem with how the game was presented. The controls were loose, but once you learned them it was easier to play the game. I used the control stick on my Xbox 360 controller, which made it easier to control Sonic. It probably is harder to play the game using a control pad.

I liked the game because I found the collecting aspect of the game interesting, and I thought that the difficulty of the game was pretty well balanced. Each Zone had different things to bring to the table, and the music fit the levels well. I did find some things annoying though, like losing flickies each time you got hit, and the positioning of Sonic on the level being hard to judge due to the camera angle. I would recommend the game to other people, because I think that people can have a fun time playing this game if they have the correct expectations. The game is not a fast paced platformer like most Sonic games, so it is a bit unfair to compare it to those games because it is so different from them.

I ranked Sonic 3D Blast in my list at 16th place, above both Sonic 4 Episodes due to the fact that both of them aren't full games. It was difficult for me to rank those 3 games, which is the other reason why I went ahead and put Sonic 3D Blast ahead of them. Overall, I think the game is a good game, but you need to have a different mindset when playing it. You can't really compare it to most Sonic games, due to the fact that the gameplay and goals of the game are so different from the other Sonic games.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 12:24:25 am by Pokemonmaster888 »


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